Sunday, January 10, 2016

Rob Kirby-We Are Very Close to the End

On physical gold and silver supplies, precious metals expert Rob Kirby says, “Gold and silver are not as loved here as in the Asian countries. It’s relatively more plentiful here, but that can all change in a very short period of time. At some point, the available stocks in the West will disappear, and when they start to disappear, it will seem like a bolt of lightning coming out of the clear blue sky because they will be gone in no time.”

What is Kirby’s prediction for the price of gold and silver by the end of 2016? Kirby boldly says, “I think it could be many multiples of the price right now.” What do Kirby’s billionaire contact say? Kirby reports, “They say they think we are very close to the end. I don’t want to see the end because it’s not going to be a happy day, not for me, not for you—not anyone. It’s going to change the way we live--dramatically. . . . The rate of these seizures in the equity markets are likely to quicken and intensify. Future rate hikes are off the table. ”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Rob Kirby of

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  1. Yes! The end is almost on us. We must tell everyone we can about how Jesus came to save us all.

  2. Greg, your contribution to the education of our people is so commendable. Thank yhu
