Saturday, January 9, 2016

Migrant Sex Attacks Across Europe

 No government wants to talk about it, so under-reporting is common, however, sex attacks by Middle Eastern migrants continue to skyrocket across Europe.
It took Finnish police until Thursday to report a planned gang sex harassment romp by the migrants on New Year’s Eve at Helsinki’s central square and train station.
According to police, around 1,000 young migrant men converged at the central square on New Year’s Eve. However the police had been tipped off that the migrants had planned to gather there to sexually harass women, though they did not disclose how they found out.
The Fins hired extra security guards to patrol the festivities in Helsinki’s central square where around 20,000 people had gathered, but still it was marred by widespread sexual harassment.
Helsinki’s deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki told reporters:
“There hasn’t been this kind of harassment on previous New Year’s Eves or other occasions for that matter… This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki.”
In the Swedish city of Kalmar, groups of men encircled women on a crowded square. According to Kalmar police spokesman Jahon Bruun the gang:
“… formed rings around the girls and started molesting them.”
“They grabbed their breasts and genitals. In some cases they tried to drag girls into a waiting car, but those girls escaped, luckily.”
Sweden is now known as the rape capitol of the world so it may be no surprise that the Swedes are fleeing their country in record numbers.
In 2015, over 51 thousand Swedes left for good – the most in that nation’s history.
Most headed for the U.S., or UK, and a similar number went to Spain. The rest scattered to warmer climes, including Thailand, France and Italy.
In Vienna, Austria, an unknown number of women were attacked by migrant men, however the Chief of Police, Gerhard Pursti withheld the information until Germany started to come clean over the Cologne attacks.
Pursti announced that:
“Women should in general not go out on the streets at night alone, they should avoid suspicious looking areas and also when in pubs and clubs should only accept drinks from people they know.”
In Cologne, Germany, police have now revealed that they found a note on one of those arrested with Arabic to German translations of sexual comments the men could make to the German women, plus the translated words: “I’ll kill you.”
In normally tranquil Norway, Police say they have lost control of Oslo, the nation’s capital.
According to the largest newspaper in Oslo, the Aftenposten – a newspaper that is normally pro-Islamic and very multicultural:
“The women are being raped at night in Oslo, and the men are robbed more than ever.”
The migrants cruise the city and attack in gangs.
“They play on fear, violence, and severe threats.”
“[The police say] that they have no way of halting the robberies. We have lost the city.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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