Friday, January 15, 2016

How Western Civilization Can Be Destroyed | Bill Whittle and Stefan Molyneux

With plunging stock markets, migrant related sexual assaults, terrorist attacks, cultural incompatibilities and political correctness running amuck – the United States of America and Europe are hanging by a thread. Stefan Molyneux and Bill Whittle discuss the state of the world and the political consequences of the coming demographic disasters which shall spell the future of mankind.

Includes: Germany Rape Attacks, President Barack Obama’s Executive Action on Gun Control, Donald Trump’s continued rise, the silent majority uprising, the fall of Bill Clinton, the future imprisonment of Hillary Clinton and the future of Western Civilization!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. MOLYNEAUX DDT alias donald trump can do nothing, indeed western civilization is collapsing, however you do not have a clue how and why. what is collapsing is the civilization you have known since 1776 -1789. the french and american revolution the 2 republics are collapsing in sync. why! is just a change from the 1789- 1776, an evolution of time! industrial revolution, jews indeed were a very good help to develop technology "details later" however they also became very negative, and there is a reason why. i don't know if you will at some point understand reality, but if you don't the transition, from 1789 1776 to the new realm can be very very painful.
