Friday, January 22, 2016

Elite Collapsing America By Design

 On this Thursday, January 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we break down the ongoing collapse of both the economy and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Clinton is now actually doing something very foreign to her: work! She's having to work for every vote as her supporters begin to abandon her due to her involvement in Bill Clinton's sex crimes and Email gate. Clinton insider Larry Nichols explains why this could be the end of Hillary's political career. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen also explains how neo-conservatives have been hijacking the U.S. intelligence community for several years and how it can potentially lead us into another world war! And in other news, the Dow Jones crashed yesterday and oil is also trading at a 12-year low: $27 a barrel.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. Talk about Flint, Michigan water toxins.
    New York city has corroduded and crumbling pipes which collapse all the time and produce giant holes in the street. They add and anti-corrusive chemical into the water to preserve the pipes. the problem is that the chemicals are destroying the pipes inside of your body.
    NYC water is a 19th century technology waiting to collapse every day now. The FISH rots from the head and the "advanced" cities are about to take the rest of the USA with it.
    then there´s the GMO, Air, pesticides, political corruption through corporations.
    Monsanto, Dow, Sygenta, etc. WHY? money.
    In the end you can´t eat money, drink money, breathe money, and money won´t even buy you health care which comes from the same source of problems. America, your politicians and Israeli parasites have fucked you over big time. what do you think Hollywood, TV, press media is for? To tell you NOT how to think.
    Now, you are living the lost battle like the
    Ex soviet union.

  2. Well Now, You complain about arabs taking over lands in Dearborn, Michigan and how terrible it is. But not one world about zionist Israelis stealing the entire country of Palestine, and the genocide of the people. USA is the land of the double standard, there is always a politician or a jew behind the other part of the double standard. You talk about Cronie capitalism--well, what do you call billions sent to Isreal. They are not our cronies, they are our slave masters and they have you afraid to stand up and recoginize it.
