Sunday, January 3, 2016

Donald Trump: There's An Assault On 2nd Amendment

Keep these quotes in mind when the national Socialist Left pretends they don’t want to ban and Confiscate guns:
“Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns…” March 24, 2012 Dailykos
MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Talks Gun ‘Confiscation’ December 15 2012
“Ban, seize semi-auto weapons” State Rep. Dan Muhlbauer, D-Manilla December 19, 2012
“Turn in your guns” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) December 19, 2012,
Mr. Cuomo, speaking on WGDJ-AM, said: “Confiscation could be an option.” December 20, 2012
How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process December 21, 2012 Dailykos
Pro-gun advocates angry over N.J. lawmakers’ hot-mic comments – Democrats
Loretta Weinberg, Sandra Cunningham and Linda Greenstein “We needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate” May 10, 2013 The Star-Ledger
“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States, for an outright ban, picking up [every gun]… Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in.” Diane Feinstein on Gun Control “Turn ‘Em All In!” Published Jan 18, 2013
“Time is overdue to repeal the Second Amendment” December 28 2014 Wisconsin gazette
“A couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia
just said, well, that’s it — we’re not seeing that again. And
basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws.” Obama June 10, 2014
“You say gun control doesn’t work? Fine. Let’s ban guns altogether” LA Times May 28, 2014
Stop the insanity: Ban guns” January 7, 2015 Tallahassee Democrat
“We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.” Obama October 01, 2015
“Effective Gun Control – A National Semi-Auto Ban” Monday Oct 05, 2015 Dailykos
“In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.”…..“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level” Hillary Clinton October 16 2015
“A gun-free society” The Washington Post October 2015
“Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away” The Daily Beast November 2015
“End the Gun Epidemic in America” The New York Times December 5, 2015 [First Front Page Editorial In 95 Years]
“We don’t need gun control. We need domestic disarmament” Huffingtonpost December 7,2015
“declare these arms contraband and confiscate them” Rolling Stone December 9, 2015
“It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them” New Republic December 10, 2015

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