Friday, January 22, 2016

CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything (Extreme Prejudice)

 The attack on Pearl Harbour cleared the way for US to enter World War II and there was pre-knowledge about the attack within the highest levels of US Government - this is a fact that was not so long ago revealed in declassified documents. The assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963 cleared the way for Lyndon B Johnson to escalate the war in Vietnam - in direct contrast to JFK's plans to withdraw from the conflict - and pumped billions into the military-industrial complex. The number, range and breadth of conspiracy theories on the assassination are well documented. The US Govt, through it's own Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that a conspiracy was most likely behind the killing of Kennedy. Anyone who believes the US Govt would not commit harmful acts against its own citizens is delusional. The attack on the WTC in 2001 gave Bush the 'justification' for the invasion of Iraq and its subsequent occupation, again resulting in the enrichment of numerous individuals and bodies within the military-industrial complex and affiliated fields. Furthermore, several Govt agencies and financial institutions lost millions of documents pertaining to irregular activities within the financial world. Add to that the total absence of any punitive actions leveled against any of those officials responsible for the security of north eastern USA's skies and you have a vast range of 'beneficial' outcomes (for a select - but also very large - group of individuals and institutions) from the attack.

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1 comment:

  1. This talk confuses me because if conflicts entirely with other credible whistle blowers and the motives for the attack. It just doesn´t square and she doesn not any MOTIVE for the WWC attack. For Example, Why were they expecting the attack and then pumping this woman for what they already supposedly know? Nor does she mention WWC nÂș. 7 which no plane crashed into?

    There are some big holes in her story. One must look for 1. motive. 2. who benefits.3. evidence. (all supposedely pre 911 items)
    They sent hour out to talk with the Iraquis without any explanitions, motives, evidence, etc.
    No agent is going to go on a fools errand withoug a damn good motive. According to her, none was given. She just gets on a plane and shuttles between NY and Washington without intelligence info? NAW; I don´t think soooooo.
    What´s wrong with this picture?
