Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Benjamin Fulford: Jan 11, 2016: Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfolds

 Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfolds
By: Ben Fulford

A new weekly report from Ben. Highlights below.
“Most stock market indexes are expected to fall by 60 to 50% before this campaign ends, according to a a senior official at the Asian Development Bank, Pentagon sources and a CIA agent involved in the operation that bankrupted the Soviet Union.
“Richard Fisher, former head of the Dallas branch of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, admitted that “What The Fed did, and I was part of it, was front-load an enormous rally market rally in order to create a wealth effect…” and added “The Fed is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left.”
“The takedown of Khazarian mafia politicians has already begun at a lower level. In particular, the NSA has compiled evidence against politicians who were bribed by Israel into opposing the nuclear accord between the US government and Iran. So far, Republican Senator Tom Cotton has been outed as having received a million dollar bribe to oppose the deal… Congressman Steve Israel, head of the Democratic Party caucus in Congress was also forced to resign over his opposition to the peace deal with Iran, the Pentagon sources say.
“There were many other arrests of Khazarian mobsters last week that we will not bother listing here other than to say that many more arrests will come.”

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