Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Major Event Will Be Used To Cover-Up The Collapse Of The Economy:Bill Holter

 People seem to forget that these orchestrated things take time to setup , they dont just happen overnight, but... when this does happen you sure will feel the impact over night when the "trigger" is pulled, whatever that trigger may be! I'm not just stating the economy, but the life of the USA as well.... it will all go to hell in a short span of time once triggered and people need to be ready Spiritually, physically, family preparations (you know what I mean). Take the time and look up EO (executive order) 13603 which Barry Soetoro signed in 2012.... HE owns everything in this country from your land, to your water, to your vehicles, to your business, to your farms, to your company, to the food you have stored in your home or wherever else you may keep it. I have to laugh when people oppose gun registration, what the hell do you think a BACKGROUND CHECK just did to you when you went into the store and applied for a weapon? Do you think all your information and address of 123 Main St USA is immediately deleted once approved or declined and no one knows? Will the economic collapse precede a false flag or vice versa, I am sure someone knows, but we sure don't, but be ready. People claim these shills are fear mongering and have a product to sell, well, yes some of them come across that way for sure and it really is the same old message from the same old same old (I won't mention names or precious metal companies they run)... BUT.... think about it..... all of them are trying to steer you in to PMs to protect yourself. You don't think China amassing all the gold they can or India amassing both gold and silver is for naught, same with Russia....lets see, that's the C, the I, the R, in the BRICS nations.... this is no joke people..... best of luck, and GOD BLESS US!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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