Thursday, December 31, 2015

Syria, Russia, China, ISIS, and WW3 . . . Connecting the Dots 3 Sunday Gathering 12-20-15

 Defeating ISIS runs through Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Jordan and Saudi Arabia . Russia is on the move in Syria, bombing United States sponsored Rebels instead of ISIS. Today's news says that Iran is sending in ground troops, while Putin is invited to help out in Iraq. It looks like the foundation is being laid for WW3, If you miss this show you won't see how the dots are connecting. In the mean time, Obama can't make up his mind and says that Putin's Mideast actions are coming from weakness.

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  1. Defeat America and solve the world's problems. America sponsored Al Qaeda, Al Nusra as well as Daesh. That is not to mention the Nazi coup in Ukraine, It is pathetic listening to Yanks who cause all the problems trying to blame Russia or China. Go away America you were not needed in Vietnam and you are not needed in the Middle East nor anywhere else in the world.

  2. free britain from le CRIF AIPAC ROMAN EMPIRE: save lives, exit NATO, stop killing brits for israel like tony blair and cameron, bush obama clinton jill2016 will save america.
