Saturday, December 5, 2015

San Bernardino Mass Murder, Middle East War Brewing, Fed Hiking Rates While Economy Sinks

 I am sure some Democrats and the President would like the San Bernardino California terror attack to be workplace violence, but let’s face it, it was a terror attack carried out by violent Islamic extremists. I am equally sure the President and some Democrats would like to use this as a way to have anti-gun legislation. Both of these views are delusional and out of touch with most Americans. Look no further than Black Friday gun sales. They broke records, and that was before this awful attack.

This brings us to the big story, and that is the increasing tensions mounting in Syria, and military assets and boots on the ground are converging there. Tensions between NATO and Russia have been mounting since Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet. Russia has been hitting ISIS oil facilities and cutting off their financing. Evidence shows Turkey has been buying the oil and financing ISIS. I said months ago that the Obama Administration was not serious about defeating ISIS because it was not cutting off its oil and bombing the wells it controls and uses to finance terror. Now we know why. The U.S. had to know who was buying the oil and, therefore, was complicit in financing the terror.

Back home, Fed Head Janet Yellen is signaling an interest rate hike is in the cards for this year. The headline reads “Fed Chair Ready to Raise Rates at Own Pace.” What does that mean? Apparently, the stock market and bond markets think it means something bad because both tanked this week. Gregory Mannarino of called the stock market top in May, and it looks like he’s been right ever since.

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