Wednesday, December 9, 2015


 I think the biggest problem is that the western governments and media call them Islamic & Muslim to make the world think that all Muslims are like them. And in my opinion I think they do this deliberately in order to push people away from Islam and most importantly turn the world against Islam and Muslims. One only needs to look at what happened to the Jews in the 1930's (the build up to WW2) to know that this method has been used before by the same elite powers. I the 1930's there was a secrete campaign to make people turn against the normal Jewish people, methods were used just like today against Islam to make the Jews look like they were the cause to all the worlds problems in order to create war and cleanse the world of the good practising Jews and after the result was the holocaust which killed over 6 million Jews, over 25 million Soviet soldiers who a large amount were Muslim from places like Albania, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Tartar, Caucasus ect..... and millions of allied soldiers also. There are a huge number of people including Jews who say this was planned and financed by those who still control western governments through their economies today and financed the creation of the illegal ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL, a sect who call them selves ZIONISTS, who say they are Jewish and follow the Tora, but in their actions are against Judaism, Islam and Christianity just like these groups we see today claiming to be Muslim and follow the Quran and Sharia like ISIS, Al-QAEDA, BOKO HARAM, THE SHIA MILITIA'S IN IRAQ, but in their actions kill more Muslims than anyone and practise only that is against Islam, Quran and Sharia. To me it looks like history is repeating its self, but this time Islam and Muslims are the targets not Judaism and the Jews and ISIS, AL-QAEDA, BOKO-HAREM, SHIA MILITIA'S in places like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon & ect... are the THIRD REICH acting out the orders of the elitist through their fake Sheiks, Imam's and Amir's.

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