Sunday, December 20, 2015

ISIS Dropout Says: Blitzkreig Coming for Germany

 A disenchanted German – a former member of ISIS - says that thousands of ISIS fighters have now entered Germany and as a result, Germany can expect an Islamic “blitzkrieg” in coming months.
The new revelation was published in Germany’s leading news magazine, Der Spiegel, last Wednesday, just days after German Chancellor Angela Merkel was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.
However, German Federal Police Chief, Hans-Georg Maasen, takes a somewhat different view of the ISIS problem than Time Magazine and President Obama. Maasen just released a new report on ISIS that says that nearly 8,000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated into Germany through its refugee program.
In the past, Chancellor Merkel has allowed nearly one million Middle-East refugees into Germany – a nation with only one-quarter the population of the U.S.
However, perhaps taking a que from Donald Trump -- last Sunday – just days after the Time Magazine award - Merkel told a German broadcaster that she had changed her mind – that she now wanted to “drastically decrease” the number of migrants entering the country.
Instead of joining the growing concerns about covert ISIS immigration - 3 days ago, President Obama continued to minimize the problem:
“ISIL does not speak for Islam. They are thugs and killers, part of a cult of death. They account for a tiny fraction of more than one billion Muslims around the world.”
The disenchanted ISIS member is identified only as Harry S. He is a 27-year-old from Bremen – the son of immigrants from Ghana. He is currently in investigative custody in Germany and -- in the words of his attorney -- was disgusted by the violence of the group and:
“… wants to come clean.”
Harry spent 3 months on the front lines of ISIS in Syria.
Harry met other infamous German terror leaders while in Syria. He called their Austrian leader, Mohamed Mahmoud, “really dangerous”, adding that he had never before met such a disturbed person.
Harry actually appeared in the first ISIS execution video done in German. It was led by Mahmoud and done at the ancient site of Palmyra. Clad in camouflage, Harry carries an Islamic State flag across the picture. Standing off camera, he was forced to witness the killings that day up close.
Shortly after the Palmyra execution, Harry had enough. He escaped across the open desert, walking hours and hours to the Turkish border. He was arrested at the German border on July 20th.

Harry says that during this time in the Syrian warzone, he frequently heard people talking about attacks in the West.
“They want something that happens everywhere at the same time.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Merry Christmas.

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