Wednesday, December 23, 2015

ILLUMINATI & NWO AGENDA 2016 - Elite Plans For Humanity To Ramp Up In 2016 ?

How The Illuminati Controls The Music Industry Lady Gaga and the New World Order Subliminal Super Bowl Illuminati Secrets Revealed
If there was an award for the less Christmas-y Christmas card in the History of the world, I believe that the 2013 Kardashian Christmas card would take the prize. Shot by elite fashion photographer David Lachapelle, the card is a rather grim and depressing summation of the entertainment world – an industry ruled by a shadowy elite that is turning popular culture into a toxic wasteland populated with vacuous celebs such as the Kardashians.

In a song leaked online before its completion, pop artist Madonna sings about a “new world order” referring to a secret elite society as “the truth and the light”.

The track, entitled “Illuminati”, name checks dozens of celebrities and appears to suggest that they are not truly members of the secret society, which is considered by many to still exist and have a hand in major global events.The 2015 2016 Grammy Awards: Still Pushing the Illuminati Agenda

Economic activity is slowing down all over the planet, and a whole host of signs are indicating that we are essentially exactly where we were just prior to the great stock market crash of 2008. Yesterday, I explained that the economies of Japan, Brazil, Canada and Russia are all in recession. Today, I am mainly going to focus on the United States. We are seeing so many things happen right now that we have not seen since 2008 and 2009. In so many ways, it is almost as if we are watching an eerie replay of what happened the last time around, and yet most of the “experts” still appear to be oblivious to what is going on. If you were to make up a checklist of all of the things that you would expect to see just before a major stock market crash, virtually all of them are happening right now. The following are 11 critical indicators that are absolutely screaming that the global economic crisis is getting deeper…

#1 On Tuesday, the price of oil closed below 40 dollars a barrel. Back in 2008, the price of oil crashed below 40 dollars a barrel just before the stock market collapsed, and now it has happened again.

#2 The price of copper has plunged all the way down to $2.04. The last time it was this low was just before the stock market crash of 2008.

#3 The Business Roundtable’s forecast for business investment in 2016 has dropped to the lowest level that we have seen since the last recession.

#4 Corporate debt defaults have risen to the highest level that we have seen since the last recession. This is a huge problem because corporate debt in the U.S. has approximately doubled since just before the last financial crisis.

#5 The Bloomberg U.S. economic surprise index is more negative right now than it was at any point during the last recession. #6 Credit card data that was just released shows that holiday sales have gone negative for the first time since the last recession.

2016 "united states" entertainment music rihanna music album "music industry" trendy trends B.o.B social society "social media" leader leadership research news media truth usa "american dream" people humanity "positive thinking" positive bank banking biometrics RFID "apple pay" pay "credit card" system future tech technology payments payment transaction cash money forex retail sale shopping "elite nwo agenda" gold silver lebron james movie god project blue beam bluebeam end times prediction jsnip4 false flag symbolism alex jones infowars gerald celente david icke louis farrakhan new government constitution biyo super bowl thanksgiving parade 666

#9 In 2008, commodity prices crashed just before the stock market did, and late last month the Bloomberg Commodity Index hit a 16 year low. #10 In the past, stocks have tended to crash about 12-18 months after a peak in corporate profit margins. At this point, we are 15 months after the most recent peak. #11 If you look back at 2008, you will see that junk bonds crashed horribly. Why this is important is because junk bonds started crashing before stocks did, and right now they have dropped to the lowest point that they have been since the last financial crisis.

A tomorrowland tomorrow land disney Author Robert Kiyosaki: 'Biggest' Market Crash Likely in 2016 Author Robert Kiyosaki: 'Biggest' Market Crash Likely in 2016 Important: Can you afford to Retire? Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” warns that stock market manipulation may result in a crash bigger than in 2007. Gold and silver have crashed. Junk bonds have crashed. Chinese stocks have crashed. The Global Economy Is Officially Melting Down

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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