Saturday, December 19, 2015

FALSE FLAG XMAS / NEW YEAR? Obama Claims No Specific & Credible Threat Over Holidays

He visited the Pentagon Monday for an update on military progress against the terror group and has tasked the Department of Homeland Security with updating its system for communicating potential threats to the American people. Speaking Thursday, U.S. officials described an already-rigorous process that includes multiple screening stages and collecting of biometric data like fingerprints.

has released a new video threatening attacks on America and mocking the government over it’s shoddy handling of intelligence. Meanwhile president Obama has claimed there is no credible threat of an attack over the Thanksgiving period.

The propaganda video, released by the Center, specifically mentions the fact that CENTCOM, the Army’s intelligence arm, has been allegedly cooking reports to make it appear that the Obama administration’s actions against have been in any way successful. CENTCOM employees have claimed that they were given “implied orders” not to report facts on the ground in regarding activity. Instead, they were encouraged to substitute economic or environmental information for related intelligence.

Describing the policy of discarding credible terror intelligence as “really disheartening,” Retired Army Sgt. 1st Class William Kotel said “They’ve spent more money and time trying to push down this intelligence … than they have actually spending time and effort on real security.” I feel safe already. Are you kidding me? Isis contained, no credible threat over the holiday. He is a joke

Thanksgiving Day was a special day aboard the ships and we actively celebrated it as the birth of private property and the demise of collectivism. Our celebration wasn’t one of sleeping in or playing games with each other. We celebrated by working a specific task until completed, and then, when tired and hungry, we sat down to a huge feast of fresh cooked turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie, and shared camaraderie. Black Friday is a complete scam based around the manifestly provable hoax that consumers are getting huge discounts on products that would normally be more expensive at any other time of year. speech u.s. usa america "united states" "Black Friday" Thanksgiving sale shopping travel family intelligence "american dream" 2015 2016 "Black Friday Sale" "Thanksgiving Holiday" holiday vacation trip relationship homeless charity food dinner turkey secure security work protect protection lifestyle news media holidays season christmas entertainment "elite nwo agenda" information business montagraph prediction conspiracy false flag alex jones infowars gerald celente trends george soros usd gold silver dollar federal reserve jsnip4 coast to coast am economist magazine cover illuminati rothschild rothchilds boxing day sale riots

In reality, stores enjoy higher profit margins during the holiday period because retailers artificially inflate prices of goods in the months before Black Friday in order to make the subsequent discounts look good in comparison.

Among the 15 largest U.S. retailers, operating margins in the holiday quarter last year (2013) were 11 percent, compared with 9 percent in the preceding nine months. Amid the year-end shopping frenzy, these companies padded their bottom lines, on average, by roughly one-quarter.” Another benefit of avoiding Black Friday of course is that you don’t have to mingle with zombies

Whether it be complaints that Mistletoe advocates “rape culture,” attempts to ban the holiday from public spaces or claims that Christmas creates , here are 3 videos examining the growing phenomenon. Starbucks is removing holiday-inspired images from its coffee cups in yet another example of political correctness run amok.

Unlike previous years where the cups came with holiday imagery, such as vintage ornaments and hand-drawn reindeer, Starbucks’ new Christmas cups are now just plain red.

“Creating a culture of belonging, inclusion and diversity is one of the core values of Starbucks, and each year during the holidays the company aims to bring customers an experience that inspires the spirit of the season,” Starbucks said in a statement. “Starbucks will continue to embrace and welcome customers from all backgrounds and religions in our stores around the world.”

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