Thursday, December 10, 2015

Enoch: Prophecy of Isis, Israel, Rapture, World War 3, Antichrist, End Times and Bible's Armeggedon

 World War 3, ISIS, Israel, the Rapture, the Antichrist, the End Times and Bible's Armageddon. Did Enoch Prophecy of these things?

Khazars: Israel: Are the Jews Khazars (Jewish Khazars)? Are they fake Khazar Jews, hired actors in a large conspiracy to trick all of us. Or, are basic genetics, history, and volumes of records -- even from Islam (especially from Islam) correct, that the Jews (Hebrews) are not Khazars, hired actors, or any other conspiracy from old new age writings (13th tribe conspiracy of Khazars by Arthur Koestler in this case).

ISIS & Russia & World War 3: As Russia, ISIS, Turkey and the US heat up uncomfortably close to what some believe is the inception (beginning stages) of World War 3 and Armageddon -- do these things play a role and how are the End Times covered in Enoch's prophecy.

Rapture: Also, Is the Rapture (this unusual Biblical event called the rapture) is it covered in the ancient prophecy. Is the rapture a real event, or is the rapture -- like the 13th tribe Khazar conspiracy theory perpetuated beginning with the anti-Semitic pro-Nazi writings of Arthur Koestler) of the Jews being Khazars -- another massive hoax? Bottom line, does Enoch (the Book of Enoch) give support for -or- against the Biblical Rapture?

Enoch: Then, is the Book of Enoch even real? How can we tell if the Book of Enoch -- this book banned by every major religion -- is Enoch genuine? Are the prophecies (prophecy) real?

Prophecy & Rapture: And, in short, how did Enoch envision (prophecy) of World War 3, the End of the Age, the days of Noah, the Pre-Flood World? Jesus Christ, the Rapture... and Armageddon?

Melchizedek: Also, who was this mysterious Biblical figure, Melchizedek

Enoch: Isis, World War 3, Isis, Israel, Rapture, End Times, and Armageddon are all covered (in short version) in the End Times video above.... And, these topics: World War 3, Israel, Islam, Prophecy of the
End of the Age..... Prophecy of the Return of Jesus Christ.... also the False christ, or Antichrist....

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1 comment:

  1. Please tell me why you seem to completely discard the reality of the khazar people having traveled to Israel? And then tell me why did Jesus/YAHSHUA warn us in Revelation about "those who call themselves ews BUT ARE NOT." (Rev. 3:9) You seem to want everyone to believe that this a fallacy altogether! But, I am sorry to say, I cannot accept your intellectual/ spiritual conception on this particular matter, nor will I believe what you are saying over all the research that I have done during the past 6-8 years. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. Have you researched about the DNA findings of members of the 12+ tribes? You better start telling people where all the references are that are so completely DIVINE or of GOD that will refute all that I have studied and researched/read on the subject of the KHAZARS. It is a difficult but absolutely amazing reality which no one should try to dismiss without putting all the facts and figure, the references and everything that proves what you are saying is true! Love you as a brother, if you are wholly right or wrong, but in this case, I feel you are not totally in the full Light at this time.
