Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Donald Trump: An Evaluation -- Paul Craig Roberts

This nieve idea that Donald Trump is a billionaire and cannot be bought, is absolutely contrary to the norms of human dystopian psychology.
The rich are the most rapacious, mendacious, avaracious, acculumative, combative, and megomaniac when it comes to having more than more.
Ask any Rothschild if he has enough money.  The only normal billionair who said "I have enough money" is Mark Cuban, the man behind the high defination TV fortune.  He knows how to live, and not to just lust like  a vampire for more blood on halloween night. He understand proportionate balance, which Trump has lacking.  How do I know this?  He likes to brag.  That´s  sure sign of insecurity waiting to go into action to defend himself with yet more financial opportunities.  Trump has 10 billion. So what?  Putin has 60 billion.  They are already in a pissing contest.  They qualify every human being by the money they have or do not have.  Well, that´s pretty jewish in which direction he is drawn daily closer and closer to zionist ambitions.
If you can see that B Netanyahu is a stuffed shirt, he doesn´t compare with the odious lust to accumulate more material wealth than Mr. Trump and nothing will be allowed to get in his way. There goes whatever will be left of your constitution and bill of rights. Gone and deposited in off shore banks with the USA middle class more poor class than ever.  It´s just the cost of doing business as normal. Trump has learned alot, and some of what he has learned does not come from recomended sources.  It is the end of liberty and freedom in favor of fascism and zionism, new world order control let loose on EX United states of dissolution and despair.  Bush and Obama have destroyed the american dream for the most part and Trump will deliver the coup de grace.
War will escalate to be our best export business, and there will be no vetting of clients as the Clinton´s sale of classified documents to China have shown.  It´s the money, and the idea that Trump is to rich to be bribed is plain stupidity.
ron walker

Donald Trump: An Evaluation
Paul Craig Roberts
Donald Trump, judging by polls as of December 21, 2015, is the most likely candidate to be the next president of the US.
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