Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Breaking The U.S Is Deploying More Troops To Iraq and Syria

 In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about the important and latest meeting between Putin and Obama at the COP 21 meeting, that is gaining headlines everywhere. We go over the latest U.S announcement of sending in more troops inside of Syria and Iraq plus all the other underreported reports geopolitically.

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1 comment:

  1. basically is war you Americans at war for the grand Israel just like 1967, Vietnam, only this time is Russia and it's allies, would not count on Britain, neither france or NATO. washingtonias dream is Jerusalem as Spielberg has told you on the Lincoln film "tomorrow in Jerusalem" however it won't happen, this is just the trap that hopefully citizens will find and escape; your own government guided by AIPAC will do it to you just like Vietnam.
