Sunday, December 13, 2015


A Russian guided missile destroyer open fired warning shots at a Turkish fishing ship headed on a collision course.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, The Turkish ship didn’t respond to calls, and other attempts to communicate, from the warship.

Following the incident, the Russian Defense Ministry warned the Turkish military attaché about quote, “the possible harmful consequences of the reckless actions by Ankara against the Russian military contingent, involved in tackling international terrorism in Syria."

The Russian press reports, “The warning shots came from small arms and were strategically aimed to guarantee the Turkish ship was out of harm’s way.

The incident happened in the northern part of the Aegean Sea some 12 nautical miles from the Greek island of Lemnos, the ministry said.

When the Turkish vessel approached to about 600 meters, the Smetlivy opened small arms fire at a spot in front of the trawler, taking care to avoid any risk of hitting the Turkish ship itself, the report said.

The ministry said the Turkish fishing ship changed course after that and kept about 540 meters from the Smetlivy, but didn’t contact the Russian warship.”

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