Thursday, December 17, 2015

Benjamin Fulford : Elite's Reign Of Terror Ends When People Have Had Enough

 Elite's Reign Of Terror Ends When People Have Had Enough, Benjamin Fulford. Technological Control Grid Prevents People From Thinking, Dr Nick Begich

Hour 1 Benjamin Fulford
Why he quit Forbes magazine and why refusing to shut up about the elite controlling humanity nearly got him assassinated several times.
When assassination didn't work, insanely massive bribes were offered and rejected, nothing will stop Benjamin Fulford from trying to stop the elite's terrible global agenda, not when a better future where nature and technology can co-exist.

Hour 2 Dr. Nick Begich
​ The world is saturated with technologies that are constantly sending out signals, this general atmosphere of ours is now flooded with negative energy that performs many functions, like dumbing people down, causing anxiety, sleep deprivation and making us more suggestible and easier to control.
HAARP and Weather Modification was just the beginning as we leap headfirst into the technotronic era, where technology will control the people and not the other way round.

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