Monday, December 21, 2015

Babylon Falling! - Peter Michael Martinez

The moment you understand that what Paul was speaking of as the "works of the law" was ANIMAL SACRIFICE and then you go back and read his words in Galatians with that understanding . . .

It will open up to you.

This was very hard for all in Judaism to accept because it required they trust and rely on the blood of Messiah when they were repenting.

The devils jumped all over this and changed the meaning to include ALL commandments so that they would have a whole Earth filled with iniquity . . . as predicted.

Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."

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1 comment:

  1. Peter, Your thinking is still innocent and superficial. as in Noah´s boat. It´s not about a boat which floats. It´s about transporting your spirit in a vehicle of floating above the world.. But nothing to do with wood and water. you are still talking in terms which no longer apply. this is how you talk to people from the last generations. ron
