Thursday, December 17, 2015

Anonymous Message To Christmas Shoppers

 Greetings Christmas shoppers, you only have 6 days left to buy all the gifts for the people on your shopping lists. But that should be the very least of your worries. It's really quite a shame how we can no longer express how much we love one another without giving a material gesture. But nobody is stopping you from loving the people close to you in the way you wish to do so; but we'd like to make a request...

While you scramble across retail stores that capitalize on this holiday, and help bankers grow more powerful, we want you to note that Anonymous has a Christmas wishlist for everyone this year; and the gift we ask for is priceless.

We simply want no more lives torn apart, and wars would never start, and time would heal all hearts, and everyone would have a friend, and right would always win, and love would never end.

We, the Anonymous collective, demand everyone to grow a spine and treat next year as if it will be the last year to fight for these things. Because it very well may be so as long as you remain submissive to the Merry-Go-Round they have successfully trapped you in. Your world is collapsing and your leaders are causing it. Nobody will stop them, but you. So as you spend time with your family this year, remember that freedom and life are the greatest gifts of all; and you all are at high risk of losing both of these immeasurable gifts. We can only warn you, the future is up to you now. Enjoy what little freedoms you have left, and plan to do something fast before it is too late to.

We are Anonymous, we are legion, we are expecting you all next year to care more about these life threatening issues.

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