Sunday, November 15, 2015

Webster Tarpley Latest 13/11/2015

 Ousted ISIS Czar Allen Raves that US War with Caliphate Will Last “Forever” Unless Assad Is Eliminated; ISIS Reeling on All Fronts as Russo-Syrian Forces Break Siege of Kweres Air Base; Iraqi Army Envelops Ramadi; Terrorists Decimated by Bombing & Desertions in Aleppo-Palmyra Region, Likely to Collapse this Winter; Gnome Chomsky Covers for Erdogan with Classic Limited Hangout Pitch; In GOP Debate Ruled by Monsters from the Id, Trump’s Rejection of Minimum Wage Hike Destroying His Populist Mask as 95-Minute Iowa Tirade Raises Doubts about Sanity; Unstable Mythomaniac Carson Not Fit for Oval Office; Stock Market Decline Pre-Discounts Fed Rate Increase; Ted Koppel Issues Sinister Warning about Looming Cyber Attack; At Iowa Democratic Debate, Confront Bernie Sanders Concerning Crimes of His Saudi Pals.

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