Saturday, November 21, 2015

U.S. REFUGEE SITUATION - U.S. Explains Refugee Screening and Admissions Into the United States

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) separated himself on Tuesday from some of the absolutist refugee positions being offered by his Republican presidential rivals.

During an interview with Politics, Bush said "if there's any kind of concern," refugees should not be allowed in.

"But I don't think we should eliminate our support for refugees. It's been a noble tradition in our country," he added.

Bush also expressed empathy for people who are "legitimately concerned about ... the competency of the Obama administration as it relates to screening processes."

After last week's in Paris, a wide swath of Republicans stated their vociferous opposition to the US accepting any refugees fleeing the violence in. A slew of governors said they would try to stop any refugees from entering their states, but it is not clear they have the legal authority to do so.

The Paris which has been one of the major combatants in the civil that is leading to the refugee crisis there.

Critics of President Barack Obama's plan to accept thousands of the refugees have been raising the possibility of the infiltrating the refugee population and carrying out another attack in the US. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), another presidential candidate, said Monday that he wouldn't even support letting in orphan refugees under the age of 5. As The Hayride reported, there are seven refugees in Kenner, Louisiana and six more were sent to the New Orleans area. Louisiana state officials heard about the missing refugee from the media, and not the Obama administration. Authorities also said they could not keep up with the refugee because of his “constitutional rights.”

Europe has liberal and tolerant societies with very high levels of human rights mainly because what had been a , , was defeated in the Reformation which swept through Europe in the 1500s. hasn’t had its Reformation and remains as a primitive, barbaric religion. In fact it has become a lot worse. Over the last 50 years has spent many tens of billions of their oil money exporting their nasty, intolerant, extremist version of , , throughout the world. This is the main cause of in the world today. Trump also praised former NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly, the architect of New York’s surveillance program. prove they’re Christian

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