Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Truth About The Syrian Refugee Controversy

 On the heels of the Paris Terrorist Attack and new ISIS threats against the United States, the American people are beginning to ask questions about the intake of Syrian refugees.

The United States is currently taking in 10,000 Syrian refugees and President Barack Obama has commented about taking in 100,000 refugees total (not just from Syria) in each of the next two years.

The Governors of 31 U.S. States are refusing to take any additional refugees from Syria – and others are demanding additional information on the efficacy of any screening procedures.

On November 19th, the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation requiring new screening of Middle Eastern refugees. President Barack Obama threatened to veto the legislation, but the 289-137 vote - including 47 Democrats - is enough to override any veto attempt and these concerns cross party lines.

What is the Truth About The Syrian Refugee Controversy?

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  1. you people are absolutely insane, no wonder ISIS is winning and will win if reason is not established soon, as you will make the oppressed world to be isis and they are close to 7.5 billion folks so get ready. . in fact the end of western reasoning, decency and moral is coming to an end wellcome common barbarism, as you molineaux shall be one of those barbarians: as washington and clintons: by default: washington has being creating refugees since the vietnam war, 50 years creating havoc and refugees worldwide, 1967 israeli crusade up to today, 1990 gulf war, 2001, ukrainian war libya, syria, iran, weapons to israel, pakistan nukes. and the list goes on. better think before is to late even a controlled 1984 Orwellian realm looks complicated now.

  2. Those Yankee bastards should have all the refugees as it is the responsibility of those scumbags for terrorising Iraq, Syria, Libya and backing the Zionist bastards in their theft of Palestine. Those arrogant fools caused all the problems and they should face the consequences.

  3. Harsh words Mr. Doyle, and I agree with every last one of them. Not to worry Vladimir has their number he's already humiliated these dumb Septic Tanks-yanks the septic's arrogance and exceptional ism is being whipped away.
