Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Next False Flag Event Will Take Place In Multiple Cities: Stephen Lendman

 Today's Guest: Stephen Lendman

What I was wondering was, "where are the cell phone videos in Paris?" You would think that there would be at least 10 clips of some really horrific things. Where are they? Now, there is a video of a gunman leaning into a cafe and two women are spared because the gun jammed? Really? Regarding what this guest said early on about "why" it's a false flag, I disagree. What is so sophisticated about what they did? Why does "shooting up" and bombing around town need to be so well planned? I'm amazed they didn't kill 500. These guys were not professional at all, assuming it all was real of course. Machine gun in a crowed city... any idiot terrorist by himself could kill 100.

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  1. the grand israel: Boeing , Grumman, raytheon and other weapons manufactures, banks and advertising. politics. UN.

  2. It's always the big bad evil Jews . Grow up ,wake up , wise up , hitler said said the same old garbage

    1. @ Stephen: I agree - if there were always "big bad evil Jews", everyone would notice it until now (and that all by ourselves). :> No, of course, there aren't only Jews. By the way - perhaps you should start with the Palestinians! I mean - checking the public opinion about the Jews. And just one remark: with Jews I mean the zionist Israeli politicians and their followers, home and abroad! I would also have couple of questions for you. Firstly, can you remember, out of your head, any of terrorist attacks outside Israel that were aimed directly against persons or properties of Jewish origin and that occurred after the München 1972 Olympics massacre and finally made it to the mainstream headlines globally? Secondly, why, do you think, those "bloodthirsty Muslim ISIS/ISIL/al-Qaeda/Taliban/Mujahideen/(you-name-it) terrorists never in at least last two decades targeted or attacked any of the property or politician or any other person or group exclusively of Jewish origin outside of Israel?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
