Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday November 22 2015

 -- Date: 11/22/2015 --
Today on the Alex Jones Show
On this Sunday, November 22 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, the growing ISIS threat is examined in light of conflicting reports surrounding alleged threats against several locations within the United States including a WWE wrestling event in Atlanta. We'll also analyze the response by different governments to the terror group, such as Russia's recent raid against 11 ISIS-linked militants, as 5 more Syrians are stopped on America's southern border. New information on the Paris attack surrounding one jihadi's supposed life of gay bars, drugs and video games will also be discussed. The assassination of JFK more than 50 years ago will be looked at and "Prayer Stop" President Darrel Rundus will also join the program to talk about his group's campaign to arm Christians. We'll also take your calls on today's global transmission.

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