Tuesday, November 10, 2015

SPECTRE James Bond Movie Exposes False Flags & NWO Agenda

Spectre, the newest James Bond film, is now officially open in theatres nationwide, and has enjoyed the second-biggest opening of any Bond film ever—ever. And that means it’s time to ask the perennial question… who’s the best Bond? And the truth is, it’s an easy question to answer. Because every Bond—except Roger Moore—is great. Even Moore does some really interesting things, but all of the others add a lot to the series. Every one is the best at something. Daniel Craig is the best Bond, yea… but so is everyone else. Roger Moore is the best Bond. Okay, not really—actually, he’s the worst. But if you’re an older millennial, he’s the Bond you grew up with. He’s super doofy, but he’s the epitome of the Suave Bond

James Bond actor Daniel Craig was spotted near the U.N. building where the pope was speaking. Movie mimics real-life power structure Alex Jones reviews the latest Bond film and how it reveals the shadow, hidden government he’s been talking about for the past 20 years. The Australian prime minister’s chief business adviser says that climate change is a ruse led by the United Nations to create a new world order under the agency’s control. The statement coincided with a visit from the UN’s top climate negotiator.

Writing for the Atlantic Council, a prominent think tank based in Washington DC, Harlan K. Ullman warns that an “extraordinary crisis” is needed to preserve the “new world order,” which is under threat of being derailed by non-state actors like Edward Snowden. In an article entitled War on Terror Is not the Only Threat, Ullman asserts that, “tectonic changes are reshaping the international geostrategic system,” arguing that it’s not military superpowers like China but “non-state actors” like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and anonymous hackers who pose the biggest threat to the “365 year-old Westphalian system” because they are encouraging individuals to become self-empowered, eviscerating state control.

To these troubles are added a resurgence of tensions with Russia and a relationship with China divided between pledges of cooperation and public recrimination. The concept of order that has underpinned the modern era is in crisis.

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