Friday, November 27, 2015

Planet X Nibiru 2015 Update The Final Phase

Marshall Masters provided updates on Nibiru (Planet X). What's referred to as Planet X is actually a mini-constellation around a brown dwarf star in our own solar system that is on a 3,600 year orbit, he suggested. Right now, it's located on the opposite side of the sun, beyond the orbit of Jupiter, but as it reaches its closest distance to the sun it will accelerate, and cross over Earth's orbit. If our planet happens to be on the same side of the sun when that happens--- that's a worst case scenario that happened last at the time of Noah's flood.

The effects from Nibiru's passage could be devastating he said, with a likely pole shift, and huge tsunamis slamming the coastlines. In a corollary to Bible prophecy, as Nibiru passes between Earth and the sun, it will cause days of darkness, and literally block out the sun, he added. Regarding weather modification and chemtrails, the elite may be doing it to create a mini-ice age, in advance of Planet X, which will cause the planet to heat up, he theorized.

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