Wednesday, November 4, 2015

OBAMA MOCKS AMERICAN PEOPLE - Rips into 2016 GOP, Mocks Their Debate Complaints

Obama rips into 2016 GOP field, mocks their debate complaints President Barack Obama tore into Republican presidential candidates Monday night at a Democratic fundraising event in New York, saying their complaints about CNBC's debate moderation aren't an encouraging preview for their governing abilities.

"Have you noticed that everyone of these candidates say, 'Obama's weak. Putin's kicking sand in his face. When I talk to Putin, he's going to straighten out,'" Obama said, impersonating a refrain among Republican candidates that he's allowed Russian President Vladimir Putin too much leeway. What's really behind the debate over the Republican debates?

"Then it turns out they can't handle a bunch of moderators at the debate. Let me tell you, if you can't handle those guys, then I don't think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you," Obama said. Referring to GOP Sen. Jim Inhofe's use of a snowball on the Senate floor to question the existence of climate change -- a recurring element of Obama's criticism of Republicans -- the President said only "that's crazy." The project has pitted Republicans and other supporters - who say it will create much needed jobs - against many Democrats and environmentalists, who warn the pipeline will add to carbon emissions and contribute to global warming. President Obama, a key member of Soros’ activist circle has been quietly pursuing a four-option plan to allow work permits to illegals.

But even more important than the number of guns is the depth of American “devotion” to them. And The Daily Beast observes that it is this devotion–this dedication to the philosophy and tradition underlying the right to keep and bear arms–that turns the mere mention of confiscation into something that could literally rip the country apart.

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