Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Michael Savage: Explosive Interview On The Alex Jones Show Tuesday 11/03/2015

War on 2nd Amendment -- Date: 11/03/2015 -- -Today - On the Tuesday, November 3 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the establishment media admits Obama and Hillary's goals are to confiscate weapons, and the European migrant crisis deepens as billionaire George Soros declares 'national borders are the obstacle.' And Donald Trump has choice words for President Obama, saying he “can't handle the country” and “He's doing a terrible job.” Radio host and author Michael Savage breaks down the steps needed to take back the country. New York Times bestselling author, former intel operative & Senior Fellow for the London Center for Policy Research Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer breaks down key intel regarding the downing of a Russian airliner A321 over Egypt. WND editor and author Dr. Jerome Corsi also joins the show to discuss the Syrian conflict, as Russia decimates the Islamic State. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide broadcast.

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