Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Donald Trump: Hillary Only Running For President To Stay Out Of Jail

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump hit the Hillary Clinton camp hard on why she is running for president.

Trump: So Hillary’s running for a lot reasons, one of ‘em, is because she wants to stay out of jail. People are in jail right now for doing 5 percent of what she did and the Democrats are not going to prosecute her and it’s frankly a disgrace. You know it, and so do I, and so do these people right here. They know it.

Mr. Trump also took a shot at politicians in Washington D.C.

Trump: And look, if we had honest government, Hillary wouldn’t be allowed to run in this…She wouldn’t be allowed to run. You know that.

He referenced how little General David Patraeus did in comparison to what Mrs. Clinton has done.

Trump: General Patraeus got two years probation. What she did is so much worse. And I will tell you, that if I win, we’re going to look into that crime very, very seriously folks. Very, very seriously.

Last month in Georgia, Mr. Trump said it’s the (D) next to Hillary’s name that has saved her from jail.

Trump: If that were a Republican that did what she did with the emails, they would have been in jail 12 months ago. They would be in jail. It is a very, very unfair system but I’m telling you, if that were a Republican, it’s called jail time - clink.

Is Donald Trump right? If she wasn’t from the left, would she already be in jail? Share and comment below.

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  1. It IS absolutely astounding that Hillary Clinton is still walking the streets...and she does it with a smile...knowing that the USA political system is so corrupt, that she can literally get away with murder.
