Saturday, October 24, 2015

Why Do Israel And Syria Hate Each Other?

For decades, Syria and Israel have had turbulent relations. So what's behind this tension and why do the nations hate each other?

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  1. Social media has nothing to do in fact the opposite, people at last converse even on anonymous mode. Fact is doublespeak: stimulus Israel claims Muffat “aj Amin al-Husseini generated holocaust for instance. Response: Two objectives one superficial the other hiding. The hiding Germany insist it is guilty of the crime, “holocaust, etc.” recalling the guilt to the public in Germany and elsewhere. Superficial one Israel however, reprimanded and the situation directed towards arms sales, and help for defense of Israel. The actual problem remains, and consequently worsen, all around same as 2014, 2016, 1967. This mechanism of doublespeak once embedded on the minds by the media, it becomes a habit, in consequence obliterates the proper reasoning to what is sensible communication. The embedded doublespeak hinders sensibility as it corners motivation, the living reason as the purpose of existence remains inert. Social media is communication unless you eat your smartphone by indignation. In many ways a social media users net-war between two vile enemies is more productive than, the Afghanistan & Iraq & Libya NATO adventure and carpet-bombing.

  2. moreover problems appear systematically, and they accelerate in time, spinning, now is problems per week.
