Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The French president Warns The End of Europe could be near

Hollande warns that failure to unite would be “end of Europe

The French president admits that Europe was slow in understanding that the crises in Middle East and North Africa would affect the continent. Francois Hollande says the only way to deal with the current refugee crisis is a stronger Europe. Speaking to the European parliament, Hollande said they never knew the repercussions of the crises. He called on the E-U to adopt a common asylum policy warning that failure to unite would be the end of Europe. He added that with the influx of refugees and asylum seekers into Europe, the E-U needs to safeguard the continent. He said forming a common European border guard and coast guard is also required to defend the Schengen area. Hollande went on to say that Europe has a duty to resolve the refugee crisis and at the same time defend itself against terrorists and terrorist activities on European soil.

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