Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Cult Of Statism & Government Worship -- Mark Passio

Mark Passio NEW The Cult Of Statism & Government Worship

Just as religious dogma is slowly being replaced by genuine self-exploring spirituality based in freedom, it is interesting to ponder what the state would be replaced with. I think the current civilization on this planet is a doomed runaway train. I don't think enough people are waking fast enough to transform it before it self-destructs, as have past civilizations with many of the same diseases. Yet in some future somewhere, one can imagine a spiritual state. One can even take some steps into it, but don't expect much of the current world to change. There is no substitute for enlightenment - until people awaken, they will create insanity. Once they awaken, making life work is fairly easy. Less pain without more awareness would not serve the purpose of Life; hence the world as we see it. The reality for now is most people deeply subscribe to the religion you describe, even many of the ones reading your article and patting themselves on the back. I'm not a big fan of charging head-first into mountains. A sea of insane human beings is a dangerous thing, just as dangerous as any act of nature. That reality is to be appreciated, and you find your best path through and around it. The real opportunity for freedom is in the changing of inner experience. This is real growth. As for outer experience, what many millions create, you may not have the power to change, at least not within a short human lifespan. Being honest about this is very freeing. Even tyranny and insanity can be used to propel one into rapid personal growth. Use the wave; surf the wave. You probably can't stop it. Like a tidal wave, some things are simply overwhelming, and in that experience you get to see how you respond to meeting that which is overwhelming. We're on the Titanic; you can cry all you want. This ship will sink.

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