Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sweden Will Collapse !!

Sweden a country run by the leftist and Marxist psychopaths will become a failed state and will Go down the drain

 Good morning. I’m still reporting on the economy.
Well, if the debt money system doesn’t get us, the emerging threat de jour - the immigrant tidal wave – may do it.
In the wake of President Obama’s announcement that the U.S. will be accepting tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East in coming months, Americans would do well to look to the front lines of this refugee flood -- even in far northern Europe -- to understand its vast negative consequences.
For example, in Sweden - where both “The MoneyMasters” and “The Secret of Oz” are popular enough to have been translated - many Swedish politicians now believe that Sweden’s economy could collapse in only a decade under the weight of the immigrant invasion.
At a press conference last week, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that Sweden is in a state of crisis and has run out of housing for the tidal wave of immigrants from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.
“… we may need to house people in tents.”
Tents with the frozen Swedish winter quickly coming on could well be a recipe for a social unrest disaster.
Sweden has prided itself on having one of the most liberal immigration policies in the world. The ruling political parties won power on the notion that Sweden is a rich country and has no problem handling all asylum seekers who want to come.
Those who have dared to criticize the immigration policy are immediately accused of racism.
With a population of only 9.8 million people, Sweden is facing an immigrant invasion expected to near 300,000 people in 2015. That’s over 3% of its population – in one year.!
The result? Swedish wages are already dipping, yet taxes are rising fast. According to Sanna Norblad, local head of the ST union:
“The pressure is enormous. The work environment has deteriorated severely.”
On Oct. 1, the mayor of Trelleborg, on the southern tip of Sweden with a population of only 43,000, saw 14,100 asylum seekers arrive by ferry in the last 20 days.

Malmö, about 18 miles to the north is a major ferry arrival point. For the past few weeks its central train station has been overrun with migrants.
Initially, volunteers tried to assist by bring in tons of water, food and clothing, but have now they have been overwhelmed and have given up.
This year, violence has spiked in Malmö. It has been rocked with car bombings, grenade attacks, shootings, arson and multi-ethnic gang-related violence.
The flood of Middle-eastern immigrants seems to bring with them the violence they were accustomed to in their native lands. And, if the immigration tidal wave continues, in a few years native Swedes will be a much poorer, and overwhelmed political minority.

Sadly, the average Swede, who in the past has always had great faith in their government, is realizing that one of the richest nations in Europe is suddenly in danger of becoming a failed state.
Interest in so-called “prepping” is huge as Swedes begin to contemplate crisis scenarios where the power supply is knocked out and state infrastructures crumble. According to the owner of the online store for preppers, Fredrik Qvarnström:
“People seem to be aware that there are problems, but I do not think they know how vulnerable we really are.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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