Friday, October 9, 2015

Social Security Cuts -- Agenda 21 : Get Over it says John Kasich

 Social Security is not an entitlement..We pay for it. Just because congress continues to steel the money and have been poor stewards of the money why should those who pay into it suffer? Perhaps it's time for us to call there benefits entitlements and cut them, since they don't do their job anyway.

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1 comment:

  1. Social security is most certainly an ENTITLEMENT! The government forcefully took money from our paychecks 52 weeks a year for 50 years and we are ENTITLED to the return on our investment. In fact, the social security payments don't come even close to what we would have earned if we kept our own money and targeted it towards our own retirement. BS from the loud and greedy cannot spin this into anything else.
