Friday, October 23, 2015

Russia Insider EXCLUSIVE : There will be no blitzkrieg in Syria

The Syrian army is advancing, but it will not be a quick and easy victory for Syria against islamic terrorists.
EXCLUSIVE: Great Russian TV report: There will be no blitzkrieg in Syria

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1 comment:

  1. Reality & fiction:
    President Putin: You can do one thing, legally and with the UN. Propose the archetype caliph peace and a state that he can integrate with the UN. with one condition; 1967 borders for archetype Israel, once archetype Israel accepts, you architype caliphates are now accepted to negotiate, talk, dialogue expose your mind, freely in front of the UN. Moreover, to the public: them the public can decide. Your offer is a comparison to peace for all sides justifiable and balanced. The end of Israeli occupation, end of Iran gremlins, the European rift and the at last a unified Europe can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Peace for Israel from all sides, as well you could declare yourself police officers to anyone that breaks the treaty. Save lives by not attacking anyone. In addition, reconstruction after this terrible waste of destroyed houses shared with you caliphates is a dialogue of religions and ideologies differences and similarities, opposite mirrors as opposite minds. However if there is no deal them inferences because of architype Israel refusal, is to find the reason why? Moreover, acceptance of archetype Israel means the caliph however can give his version. He can even write a book to explain himself. Justice demands a trial, this means that any government that does not gives you a trial is not applying justice to the issue. At least, is, understood that even if the mind is quite complex the mind can be, transported to reason by applying cognitive to the mind. In 1945, the atomic bomb in japan killed 300.000. people with the justification of saving lives, (American version) today the issue is on the same plane, (caliphates version) as the archetype caliph is no different than the 1945 atomic bomb, however on a different form, because we are in 2015. This is just the same event, however on a different form, is just a mental atomic fact 2015 version. As the Caliph is in fact somewhere on the middle east where Arabia, Qatar, Israel, Egypt are, there is certainty consensus can be found.
