Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Richard Sauder -- America A Violent Crime In Progress

 Clip from October 05, 2015 - guest Richard Sauder on the Jeff Rense Program.

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1 comment:

  1. The lack of good grammar, spelling, syntax, logical writting is due to the i phone texting which abreviates everything down to it´s lowest common denomenator. Movies use actors with talk in degenerated slang, and slang vocabulary.
    The music today is all slurred slang speech to sound like a homeless crop share worker. Hollywood, Washington, ACLU, AIPAC, public education, all want the society dumbed down so that they can mass manage them with bread and circuses. The politicians use FEAR to manage people back into their reclusive hiding places and they have eliminated the expression of free speech in the process.
    And YES, the Jews ran the African slaves to AMerica and the same Jews continued with the pornogography business, gambling in Las Vegas Shelden Adelson types starting with Mayer Lansky. ANYTHING FOR A BUCK.
