Thursday, October 15, 2015

Racism from an Anarchist Point of View

Question: "Certain common sense conservative beliefs are the glue that bonds Republicans nationwide - but are any of these actually principles? Could you address a few of these “beliefs” and tell me if they are actually principles? Includes an extensive conversation on stripping personal responsibility from the black community." This question leads into a deep discussion about the arrest and incarceration rates of black males - and why the narrative of outright racism simply does not hold up to serious scrutiny. 

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1 comment:

  1. Racism Race: is a mirror concept in fact; race is perceive subconsciously as your eyes see the other unless you look yourself at a mirror, in other words is more a visual concept that operates as perceptive one in relation to oneself. However when you see the other them the perception reflects, here is not race but color, texture matter, as inanimate matter. A lifeless person is pale however, it does not perceive neither reacts to perception it remain inanimate. Be called a unlike is intelligence, wisdom, health, instinct, perception, as well sight and physical health. Therefore a superior race is inexistence is more a superior mind & and a healthy body. In relation to the human structure of body and mind
