Tuesday, October 27, 2015


The Assassination Complex - Secret Drone Documents Released

From his first days as commander in chief, the drone has been President Barack Obama’s weapon of choice, used by the military and the CIA to hunt down and kill the people his administration has deemed — through secretive processes, without indictment or trial — worthy of execution. There has been intense focus on the technology of remote killing, but that often serves as a surrogate for what should be a broader examination of the state’s power over life and death.

DRONES ARE A TOOL, not a policy. The policy is assassination. While every president since Gerald Ford has upheld an executive order banning assassinations by U.S. personnel, Congress has avoided legislating the issue or even defining the word “assassination.” This has allowed proponents of the drone wars to rebrand assassinations with more palatable characterizations, such as the term du jour, “targeted killings.”

LINK: https://theintercept.com/drone-papers...

Listen to the full episode here: Episode #1078 - Katherine Albrecht - Real ID One Step Closer To "The Mark" https://youtu.be/xWZPMy5oatI
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Tonight on The Pete Santilli Show - Dr. Katherine Albrecht discusses the implementation of RFID in your Real ID

Hold out states against the "Real ID Act of 2005" have all but run out of time, with the State of Louisiana being the only state left that was granted an extension by the government last week. All other states have been ordered by the dept. of Homeland Security to enact Real ID or face fines, restrictions on air travel, access to government buildings, social programs, and licensing. Citizens from every state must carry a Real ID starting in January of 2016, or not be recognized by the Government.

Dr. Katherine Albrecht is a privacy expert and outspoken opponent of RFID [ the RFID LADY "], implantable microchips, search engine data collection, and retail customer surveillance. Katherine has authored pro-privacy legislation, testified before lawmakers around the globe, written for numerous publications including Scientific American, and granted over 2,000 media interviews. She was appointed by New Hampshire Governor John Lynch to serve as an expert member of that state's two-year study commission.

Katherine is also a syndicated radio host, bestselling author, and helped to develop www.Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine and private alternative to Google.

Katherine holds a Doctorate in Consumer Education from Harvard University.

-Website URL
http://www.katherinealbrecht.com and https://www.facebook.com/kmashow

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