Saturday, October 3, 2015

God's judgment is coming! WW3? Signs of the Times (Latest Event Sep 27-Oct 2)

 Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat repeated his desire to see an independent Palestinian state in 1999 on Sunday.

The Palestinian flag was raised for the first time at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday expressed his thanks to the 119 member states of the United Nations General Assembly who voted to allow the raising of the Palestinian flag at the UN headquarters.
Palestine deserves full membership and recognition as a state at the United Nations, Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas tells the UN General Assembly.

NASA is set to announce a major announcement regarding a discovery about Mars.
Russia launched its first airstrikes in three Syrian provinces targeting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group on Wednesday, after President Vladimir Putin won parliamentary permission to use force abroad.
Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli troops near the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday. It comes as tensions remain high following days of violence at Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site.
Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli security forces across the West Bank on Tuesday as tensions remained high following recent violence at Temple Mount.
NASA has confirmed the existence of liquid water on the surface of Mars. The finding stems from data and analysis by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. After the announcement, crowds of social media users took to Twitter to poke fun at the discovery.
Xi Jinping made his first UN speech as China's President. He pledged that China will never pursue expansion or dominance. The Chinese leader's statement comes against the background of a confrontational mood among the American media. They've labelled Beijing a major security threat for the U.S.
Clashes have broken out at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem between Israeli security forces and Palestinians

A deadly mass shooting left multiple fatalities and injuries on the Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon.
President Barack Obama speaks out after a shooting at Oregon's Umpqua Community College left at least 10 dead and multiple injured.

Tensions between the U.S. and Russia escalated Thursday over Russian airstrikes inside Syria, purportedly against the Islamic State. Military officials from both countries began talks aimed at making sure they don't end up firing on each other.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is criticizing the nuclear deal with Iran as empowering radicalism and helping Iran be able to make atomic arms. (Oct. 1)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday accused Israel of sabotaging U.S. efforts to broker peace, and told the United Nations General Assembly that the Palestinian Authority no longer considers itself bound by peace accords signed with Israel in the mid-1990s.

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1 comment:

  1. Is it any wonder that there is bias against Israel by the United Nations - seeing the United Nations was founded by a NAZI
