Monday, October 19, 2015

FRANCE JUNGLE MIGRANT CAMP DOUBLES - Thousands of Migrants stuck in Limbo

CALAIS JUNGLE MIGRANT CAMP DOUBLES - Number of Illegal Immigrants Doubles In Size

The number of migrants camped on France's north coast near Calais has doubled to around 6,000 in recent weeks, boosted by an influx across EU borders The number of UK-bound migrants in Calais has reached unprecedented levels, with an estimated 6,000 living in squalid conditions in the French port and nearly two thousand more in rapidly expanding "jungles" in nearby towns.

"We've never seen this many before," said Jean-François Corty of Médecins du Monde, which provides health care for refugees waiting for their chance to sneak onto a lorry or train and make it to Britain.
Donations and offers of accommodation flood in and the Pope says parishes across Europe must open their doors.About 8,000 migrants and refugees have now arrived in Germany to a "phenomenal" humanitarian response, with offers of accomodation and aid.

Hundreds of people scramble to get on trains at Keleti station in the Hungarian capital on Saturday. As the train fills up, those remaining on the platform hope there will be another one. The trains are bound for the Austrian border, where it is believed the majority of people will transfer to transport to Vienna and then Germany Austria and Germany threw open their borders on Saturday to thousands of exhausted migrants from the east, bussed to the frontier by a right-wing Hungarian government that had tried to stop them but was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people.

The truth about mass immigration and why it is being imposed on western society. The real agenda behind the "migrant crisis" Following a meeting with Pope Francis, the boss of Goldman-Sachs International and Bilderberg attendee Peter Sutherland said European countries have not taken their “fair share” of refugees from African countries and Syria.

On the contrary, he said, a quarter million or more immigrants a year represents an economic and social benefit for Europe, Britain and Ireland.

“Governments have to lead by giving the positive news that migrants are good for a community, economically and every other way rather than constantly expressing them as a burden because they are not really a burden,” Sutherland said. “Within a very short period of time they contribute positively to the community in which they live.” benefits street cheats documentary channel 4 five

Sutherland cited studies he said demonstrate the economic benefits of mass migration into Europe from Africa and elsewhere.
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Putin claims that the United States stands at the origin of many problems that the European Union faces The United States stands at the origin of many problems that the European Union faces at the moment, including the problem of migration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Swiss RTS television channel on Monday. Europe has been recently beset by major migrant crisis as thousands of people have fled conflict-torn countries in North Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia. According to the United Nations data, 137,000 refugees crossed the Mediterranean Sea into Europe in the first six months of 2015.

From Donald Trump's outrageous fantasies about Mexican criminality, to Jeb Bush's casual use of the term "anchor babies," it seems like Republican presidential candidates are competing to find new ways to offend a substantial portion of the US electorate. The latest innovation came this weekend from a New Jersey man named Chris Christie, who suggested that immigrants be tracked with all of the efficiency of FedEx. The number of UK-bound migrants in Calais has reached unprecedented levels, with an estimated 6,000 living in squalid conditions in the French port and nearly two thousand more in rapidly expanding "jungles" in nearby towns.

"We've never seen this many before," said Jean-François Corty of Médecins du Monde, which provides health care for refugees waiting for their chance to sneak onto a lorry or train and make it to Britain.

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