Wednesday, October 14, 2015

EU Migrant Crisis deepens as Refugee Arrivals top 700,000

Around 170,000 migrants and refugees flooded into Europe in September, taking the total for the year so far to 710,000, EU’s border agency Frontex said on Tuesday. However, Frontex added that its September figures did not include an estimated 97,000 people who entered the EU in Croatia in the second half of the month, after Hungary sealed its southern border.

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1 comment:

  1. CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS WESTERN CIVILIZATION VS AMERICAN CIVILIZATION (it is called american AIPAC civilization, president Putin washington america is not the west it is not the occident, it is a different civilization, they think is an exceptional civilization but is not unfortunately today you feel the clashes of AIPAC main media hollywood civilization against european civilization, that is the problem, the AIPAC minions, make europeans believe that america is the west and you are not europe. it is called doublespeak. hope you get it by now, forget the american civilization is a mess from 1776, it was a lot better before that date... more human more american more real..! today washington's aim is destroy europe and the west to impose the Iphone american civilization worldwide. why do you think they killed the tzar via AIPAC !!! ww1 ww2 israel, simple to understand. now they want ww3, "the american civilization loves death. "you can ask the riffle association"
