Friday, October 9, 2015

Dr Paul Craig Roberts On Jobs, Decline US Dollar & Weak Economy

Dr Paul Craig Roberts former assistant treasury secretary

Control the money (what you buy) controls what you do..........Freedom Gone....although the system could continue electronically on nothing more than the collective of individuals productivity in the system (interest volume controls) its the "controls of what is allowable (purchases) that crushes any FREEDOM. YOU wont have the cards that the elite's have. They will have unlimited purchase power. Your card will only allow 1 gallon of gas per week! and 50 dollars of food per person :) Once the system is "electronic" who exactly will determine the "Contribution Value" of a country. And buy the way fellas there will be NO GOLD STANDARD in this "electronic" system. The new system will establish by force (availability) the average persons standard of living via purchase controls.Oh yeah excess productivity of earnings will flow back into the system to adjust the mean. This is the way the system will establish its capitalistic flavor and promote productivity because the excess flows back to lift the overall living standard of individuals. Get it? Not Socialist Not Capitalist ...... Collectivist ...... But still the same question WHO CONTROLS IT? and ....what happens to a person who contributes LESS than the mean? again WHO CONTROLS IT?

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