Wednesday, October 21, 2015

America looks A Lot Like Nazi Germany

 Once upon a time America fought a great war to rid the world of the Nazis, but now we have become just like them .

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  1. america is AIPAC animal farm with an orwellian twist, HITLER is a bit more complex than what historians "SAY" hitler gave us ISRAEl and ever since chaos reigns on the planet, make your own conclusion.

  2. People like you represent the Orwellian doctrine, because it is YOU and people like you who REIGN CHAOS! You siew unprovable nonsense in a rage of stupidity and ignorance. Your lies become transparent in light of the truth. Troll along!

  3. And Mussolini's Italy, and Mao's China and Marx's Russia, and now, obama's America. DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!
