Friday, September 4, 2015

World War 3 : Russian and Chinese Warships spotted off East and West Coast of America (Sep 04, 2015)

A Russian intelligence ship, capable of cutting undersea communications cables and other sensors, has been spotted by the U.S. military off the coast of Kings Bay, Ga., home to the U.S. Navy’s East Coast ballistic missile submarine fleet. U.S. military satellites have been tracking the Russian spy ship since it was spotted in the north Atlantic last month and slowly began transiting toward its next destination -- Cuba. A senior military official said the ship is now about 300 miles off the coast of the U.S., as it heads toward the island.

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  1. Russian and Chinese warships off your coastlines! So much for the US surrounding Russian and China with military bases! Chinese warships off Alaska well when the US removes its little boats off the East China sea then maybe China will remove their war ships! You Setptic Tanks are such whiners!

  2. In the post above I referred to Americans as Septic Tanks - Yanks on the ground both are full of shit!
