Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why they say the Virginia Shooting is a Hoax

  Does anyone ever think that It's NOT The Guns that are killing People , It's the people that are holding the guns, It could of been a Knife or an axe. or someone using a car as a weapon to run them down. Research and see if this person was on antidepressants.Remembering back in the 60's when pharmaceuticals weren't so mainstream prevalent by the FDA or Pharmaceutical corporations There were many students that use to come to school in pickup trucks with gun racks and guns in them, NO One ever thought about taking these guns and killing people just because ! Now these days since 2001 and all the false flag BS going on, doctors are writing more and more prescriptions for mind altering drugs for depression, anxiety, and other symptoms brought on by the main stream media, talk of wars, the police state, healthcare that has gone out the window. GMO's from monsanto, and beef and chickens filled with hormones and antibiotics that are killing people's Immune system because of the deficiency of minerals and vitamins that our bodies need to function healthy and properly, plus the crap their spraying in the air ( chemtrails ) that everyone is breathing in. So Don't focus on the guns But More on the Military industrial complex and govt's for letting this all happen and start putting the real culprits in jail for poisoning the world all for profit. WAKE UP PEOPLE !!! If you would just do a little research and see the real reason of people that are behind the dumbing down of america and depopulation agenda that even bill gates has had conferences on. It's all their in black and white if you would just take the time to understand the real reasons why things like this are happening !!!

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