Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why is Russia getting Involved in Syria ?

Analyzing Russia's Involvement in Syria
Stratfor Military Analyst Sim Tack explains Russian motives for sending military assistance to the Syrian government.

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  1. Is it reality or fiction?
    Grand Israel (AIPAC) planed in 1963. Now has expanded to Europe.
    It started officially in 1990, it took off grand slam in 2001, and the cream was Libya 2011.
    Now Russia has finally understood the evil plan of Washington "AIPAC" ww2 replay version 2015: the plan to conquer Europe Marshall plan. An internal civil war between Muslims and Jews in Europe "victims of the insane" as most refugees are of Muslim religion. AIPAC Washington intervenes as savior of the Jews as minority, Muslim are now a larger majority in Europe making intervention more compliant. The Christians will get on the issue. This could have a different venue as "the return of Jesus". However not as most rely on but by natural events as the orthodox will join in with the protestant and the Catholics and become one. The Middle East danger exclusively directed towards them and the Jesus followers: different branches of “Jesus Christ” believers form one solid block. The confusing situation that Europe find is themselves with internal Muslim refugee’s immigrants on their own soil and their current Jewish population will drive them towards confrontation.
    In the IV century Clovis made a treaty with the church; Europe is half-Christian and half polytheistic. The polytheist architype becomes the new protection subconsciously defense shields Russia from the hordes of conflicting Muslims & Jewish puzzle protecting it from the hordes of immigrants and refugees as consequences from wars created by Washington “AIPAC” on the Middle East.
    America is also a believer of the church of god “Jesus”, as there are many Protestants, Catholics, Christian’s orthodox “from Russia to Greece” in fact they are the minority. However, the same dilemma reappears, as the Jewish Muslim minorities will be somehow fighting amongst themselves in America. The next chapter makes Jesus return to Jerusalem and this time he stays and the Jews & Muslims leave, which is the inverse of his crucifixion. It seem like Jesus himself control’s the natural events in such a way as the result of his timed intervention sets the stage for his return and conquers Jerusalem his way. As a one solid united church before its division between orthodox and Catholics. In other words, an inverted version of his crucifixion rearranges the “roman empire 2015 version”. In our current 2015 that makes as fact peace on the Middle East, reunites the religions and places everyone in his own place, properly.
    He himself take’s back Jerusalem and stablish an exclusively Christian “Jesus united” his own now way, and that puts an end to the temple mountain that Israel hopes to rebuild and an end to the grand Israel as well. Calms down all Arabs & Muslims, terrorism becomes irrelevant, Israel remains as a land since 1967 borders and Jerusalem is the new home Jesus that of the new has returned.

  2. Russia is there to actually defeat ISIS unlike the US who are there to make the pretense of defeating ISIS . Once Russia has achieved their aim there will be no valid reason for America to involved in Syria at all! Once again Putin has humiliated Obama/Kerry!
