Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"We have 500 days to avoid a climate disaster", says Foreign Minister

In this video, we look at the exact wording of the foreign minister of France, on May 14, 2014, given in a speech in Paris - the day after his famous speech in Washington D.C., announcing the "500 days to climate chaos". Here are some of the phrases and sentences he speaks in the speech in Paris - when we put them all together, they are very telling:
We have 500 days – not a day more – to avoid a climate disaster.
I attach great importance to words.
There’s also a date we must bear in mind which will, I hope, be very important: 23 September.
This is no small matter because unlike many spheres, life itself is at stake here.
the fight against climate disruption is essential
We must face up to climate disruption, climate chaos.
cataclysmic consequences
We have 500 days to try and reverse the scenario.
Five hundred days is extremely short. We’ve started working – many others with us.
something which may not solve everything, but would help halt the 4 to 5ÂșC rise, i.e. a cataclysm. Thanks to the decisions we took and which will subsequently be developed, we’ll manage to control it and get back down to two degrees and to a liveable existence.

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