Friday, September 25, 2015

This is Why The Pentagon Hates Russia -- Paul Craig Roberts

The United States military views Russia as a threat, with the Pentagon upgrading Russia’s status to “potentially aggressive.” Paul Craig Roberts, former Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, explains the belligerent rhetoric towards Russia for RT’s Simone Del Rosario.

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  1. the pentagon actions is dismembering europe, russia somehow now worries more about the disintegration of europe than ukraine. A NATO plan upsidedown. bombing people causes this immigration outburst. from afghanistan kosovo to kabul and now they plan even more bombing. to create more chaos in europe so it will collapse. barbed wires on eastern europe is a fact, soon "israeli style"

  2. the pentagon actions is dismembering europe, russia somehow now worries more about the disintegration of europe than ukraine. A NATO plan upsidedown. bombing people causes this immigration outburst. from afghanistan kosovo to kabul and now they plan even more bombing. to create more chaos in europe so it will collapse. barbed wires on eastern europe is a fact, soon "israeli style"
